Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

SCJ Administrative Assistant Needed

19.12.2024 20:07 Age: 37 days
Category: General

Stone-Campbell Journal is looking for a part-time administrative assistant to begin as early as January 1, 2025. This position is responsible for most of the day-to-day functions of the organization. This includes member management, customer service, accounts receivable, event preparation, database management, and communication management. Expect 5-10 hours a week, more for weeks leading up to the SCJ annual April conference. Someone connected to Johnson University is preferred or in Knoxville area. Contact editor William Baker at for more information and full job description.

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager