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The Church and College in Culture: A Paradigm for Faith-Learning Integration in the Bible College Curriculum

James Riley Estep, Jr.
Academic Dean/Professor of Christian Education
Great Lakes Christian College

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Faith-learning integration is an issue readily apparent for Christians in higher education. This article addresses the subject of faith-learning integration in the Bible college curriculum. Concerns over curriculum fragmentation in Christian higher education and its subsequent effects on the spiritual formation of students are examined. A paradigm for faith-learning based on Richard Niebuhr's Christ and
(1951) are presented and applied to the curriculum so as to explain how integration can take place on a more significant and substantial level in the Bible college. Obstacles to faith-learning integration and opportunities for it will be itemized in light of the two principal concerns.

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



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