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Toward a Humbler Hermeneutic: What Karl Barth and Alexander Campbell Have in Common

Kate A.K. Blakely
Associate Professor of Cross-Cultural Ministries
Great Lakes Christian College

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In contrast to alleged indebtedness to Baconian and Scottish Common Sense philosophy, Alexander Campbell’s basic hermeneutic calls for humility as the central feature necessary for theological interpretation. This “humbler herme - neutic,” a submission imperative, can also be found in Karl Barth’s dialectical approach to theology. This essay specifically examines portions of Barth’s CD II/1 in order to bring into focus his hermeneutic. Exploring both hermeneutics in terms of humility uncovers rich resonances between them and helps decipher the abiding significance of both, perhaps especially for Campbell.

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



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