Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 12 Issue 1

12.1 Quote

"To think is to be vulnerable," writes Douglas John Hall in the opening chap- ter (26) of his 1993 volume The Cross in Our Context (Augsburg Fortress). To know should lead people to want to know more, to be aware there is always more to know, more to understand better. This is all the more true when the subject of our know- ing is God in all his complexity; Christ in the variegations of his mission, his pur- pose, his person; or the church in its form, function, and relationship to the world and culture. Those of us who teach or preach or write about such things need to develop a healthy humility in what we present, respectful of those who have other things to say, open to continued learning from others, even inviting critique of our own views. Thus, regardless of the expertise of our contributors, SCJ does not pre- sent their articles as the final word on their subjects, nor is the publication of them necessarily an endorsement of their views. Thus, regardless of the knowledgeable contributors to the pages of SCJ, what is presented is never viewed as the final say in any matter. Taken from our purpose statement, SCJ is a "platform" to invite dia- logue and discussion. To this end, email addresses of article contributors are pro- vided at the beginning of each article. All readers are invited to respond directly to these authors with thoughts, dialogue, questions, critiques, perhaps even encour- agement and appreciation as well. However, those who communicate to our authors are asked to do so with a healthy humility regarding their own views.

Hall also writes, "Authentic theology involves a lifelong commitment to thought and a concomitant vigilance against the tendency of individuals and com- munities to turn the products of thought into ironclad systems that discourage or preclude further thought" (26). It is to be expected that SCJ readers who are com- mitted to the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement treasure the wonderful ideals of our heritage. To be true to those ideals involves examining them and discussing them. However, we should not think that any one person or any group within the Stone-Campbell Movement has the "authorized" view of what those ideals mean, which ones need to be preserved, or how they need to be applied today. As ideals preserved in historical documents penned by the likes of Barton W. Stone and Thomas and Alexander Campbell, they are necessarily open to public inquiry and discussion, which is what a publication like SCJ provides. Such public discussion demands engagement as friends with a healthy humility that thirsts to know more, understand better.

Finally, Hall (31-32) quotes respected expositor, Barbara Brown Taylor (Christian Century, June 6-12, 2001, 32), who in turn paraphrases the thoughts of Nicholas of Cusa, which challenge all of us: "In Nicholas's scheme, the dumbest people in the world are those who think they know. Their certainty about what is Stone-Campbell Journal 12 (Spring, 2009) 1–2 true not only pits them against each other; it also prevents them from learning any- thing new. This is truly dangerous knowledge. They do not know that they do not know."

The articles in this issue offer seven solid articles as a platform for dialogue. James O. Duke (Brite Divinity School) offers in print his presentation from the 2008 SCJ Conference on the hermeneutics of early Restoration leaders. John C. Nugent (Great Lakes Christian College) follows this up with a carefully nuanced under- standing of Alexander Campbell's adaptation of Baconianism. James Hoover (Pioneer Bible Translators) challenges the standard Reformed exegesis of Rom 9:22-23. Jennifer Thweatt-Bates (Princeton Theological Seminary) carefully enters the mine- field of science and religion. Bruce Shields offers valuable insight regarding the impact preachers have on their congregations' vocabularies. J. David Miller (Milligan College) examines how contemporary English versions of the Bible deal with the special challenges of key NT texts regarding women. Finally, Chris A. Rollston (Emmanuel School of Religion) and Thomas Scott Caulley (Institute for the Study of Christian Origins) provide a helpful review of the long-awaited publication of The Transforming Word, a one-volume Bible Commentary from ACU Press, edited by SCJ consulting editor, Mark Hamilton (Abilene Christian University).

For those who will be at the 2009 NACC in Louisville, Kentucky, plan to attend our sponsored lecture by Chris Rollston (Emmanuel School of Religion), "Victorious and Vanquished Voices: Women in the Hebrew Bible." Also, for the first time, SCJ will have a booth at the Disciples of Christ General Assembly in Indianapolis (July 29–August 2). In light of the strong attendance and enthusiasm for our SCJ reception at the Society of Biblical Literature Meeting in 2008, we will once again plan to be hosting a reception at the SBL in New Orleans in 2009. The time frame will be the same: 5:00–6:30 on Friday evening, November 20. The featured event will be a conversation with Mark Hamilton about the production of The Tranforming Word.

William R. Baker, Editor

Brite Divinity School


Leading thinkers of the Stone-Campbell Movement during the antebellum era
called on Christians to conform their faith to “the Bible alone” independently
of  any  other  church  authorities.  Their  position,  an  amalgam  of  Protestant,
Enlightenment, and Common Sense thought, reflected confidence that God’s
revelation in the Scriptures was intelligible to common people. Reviewed here
are advisories on responsible biblical interpretation by Alexander Campbell,
Tolbert Fanning, Robert Richardson, and James Sanford Lamar. Despite dif-
fering emphases, all four dealt with views and resources in discussion among
scholars in the United States, England, and continental Europe.

Great Lakes Christian College


The Stone-Campbell Movement has been singled out by the scholarly commu-
nity for relying upon Scottish Baconianism. For this reason scholars outside the
movement routinely belittle it, and scholars within either downplay, criticize,
or strive to move beyond such reliance. A closer examination of primary sources
reveals  that  Scottish  Baconianism  is  not  as  intrinsic  to  the  Stone-Campbell
vision as is often assumed and that Campbell himself offers resources for tran-
scending it.

Princeton Theological Seminary


In a culture which valorizes science and technology, science is often seen as the
purest form of human rational inquiry: objective, comprehensive, and effective,
while in contrast, religion is personal, irrational, and largely irrelevant. The sci-
ence and religion dialogue is, then, a testing ground for the rationality of reli-
gion. Using Ian Barbour's classic typology as a starting point, this article will
make a case for a "postfoundational" rationality which includes both scientific
and religious pursuit as valid and equal expressions of human rationality.

Emmanuel School of Religion


One result that preaching accomplishes in the lives of regular hearers is the for- mation of a vocabulary. As we hear the preacher talk about God and the God- oriented life, we discover God-oriented words and thus develop ways to think about life—ways that are distinct from and often opposite to the ways most of the rest of the world communicates. This paper investigates the process of vocabulary formation and how it stimulates formation of consciousness and character.

Pioneer Bible Translators


Romans 9:22-23 is thought to support a Calvinistic understanding of the doc- trine of man. Consequently, some non-Calvinists avoid it or surround it with disconnected proof texts more friendly to their anthropology. Interaction with what John Piper calls four problems in Romans 9:22-23 will yield the follow- ing understanding of this scripture: God’s sovereign purpose is to reveal the wealth of his glory (wrath, power, mercy) through Jesus to those who have resist- ed his will and made themselves fit for destruction so that they might present themselves solely to God in worship and prove by their new manner of life that God’s will is good and glorious.

Milligan College


Paul’s words about women are a hotbed of debate. Consensus in interpretation awaits consensus in translation. Some translation issues have attracted abundant attention; interpreters have taken sides and stand at somewhat of a stalemate. Three such issues are summarized below. Other translation issues remain more open for discussion. Proposals regarding some of these issues—from 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Corinthians 14, and Ephesians 5—form the bulk of the paper.

Emmanuel School of Religion, Institute for the Study of Christian Origins


Publication of The Transforming Word: A One-Volume Commentary on
the  Bible
, edited  by  Mark  W.  Hamilton,  by  Abilene  Christian  University
Press, 2009, has been in process for nearly a decade. Its publication in Spring
2009  marks  a  stunning  achievement  for  those  in  the  heritage  of  the  Stone-
Campbell Restoration Movement, especially those in among Churches of Christ
(a cappella) who are the primary contributors to its over 1000 pages. This arti-
cle joins together the reviews of two leading scholars, one NT and the other OT,
from Christian Churches (independent) of this movement.

Download book reviews for this issue.

Edward J. Robinson, To Save My Race from Abuse: The life of Samuel Robert Cassius

James Hansee (Cincinnati Christian University)

Edward J. Robinson, Show us How you Do it: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968

Darren T. Williamson

George M. Marsden, A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards

Richard Cherok (Cincinnati Christian University)

Mark Weedman, The Trinitarian Theology of Hilary of Poitiers. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 89

Lee Blackburn (Milligan College)

Sabine Dramm, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: An Introduction to His Thought

Wm. Curtis Holtzen (Hope International University)

John H. Armstrong, ed., Understanding Four Views on Baptism

Karen Lindsay (Northwest Christian College)

Ben Witherington III., Making a Meal of It: Rethinking the Theology of the Lord's Supper

Dennis R. Lindsay (Northwest Christian College)

Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson and Michael J. Sleasman, Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends

James E. Sedlacek (Cincinnati Christian University)

Peter J. Leithart, Solomon Among the Postmoderns

Bryan Blakemore (Lincoln Christian Seminary)

Paul Copan, When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics

Andrew Ramey (Parkway Christian Church)

John Piper and Justin Taylor, eds., The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World

Justin Devore ( Lincoln Christian Seminary)

Lee C. Camp, Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World

Casey Tygrett (Lincoln Christian College)

M. Daniel Carroll R., Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible

Daniel A. Rodriguez (Pepperdine University)

Mark Hulsether, Religion, Culture and Politics in the Twentieth-Century United States

Nathaniel Wiewora (University of Delware)

Robert E. Webber, Who Gets to Narrate the World? Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals

David Embree (Michigan State University)

John Polkinghorne, The Way the World Is: The Christian Perspective of a Scientist

James Sennett (Brenau University)

Michael W. Goheen and Craig G. Bartholomew. Living at the Crossroads: an Introduction to Christian Worldview

Adam Graunke (Cincinnati Christian University)

John Corrie, ed., Dictionary of Mission Theology: Evangelical Foundations

Bill Weber (Cincinnati Christian Seminary)

Tom Steffen and Lois McKinney Douglas, Encountering Missionary Life and Work: Preparing for Intercultural Ministry

Andrew Wood (Cincinnati Christian University)

Benjamin L. Merkle, 40 Questions About Elders and Deacons

Chauncey A. Lattimer, Jr. (Lincoln Christian Seminary)

Craig Van Gelder, ed., The Missional Church in Context: Helping Congregations Develop Contextual Ministry

Todd Stockdale (University of Edinburgh)

Sidney Greidanus Preaching Christ From Genesis: Foundations for Expository Sermons

Gary Hall (Lincoln Christian College)

Michael Pasquarello, III., Christian Preaching: A Trinitarian Theology of Proclamation

Jonathon Partlow (Pennyrile Church of Christ)

Kim Gaines Eckert, Stronger Than You Think: Becoming Whole Without Having To Be Perfect

Dawn Gentry (Post Road Christian Church)

Lynn Gardner, Where Is God When We Suffer? What the Bible Says About Series

Andrew Ramey (Parkway Christian Church)

S. White Crawford, A. Ben-Tor, J. P. Dessel, W. G. Dever, A. Mazar, and J. Aviram, eds. Up To the Gates of Ekron: Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin

Ralph Hawkins (Kentucky Christian University)

Bruce Waltke with Charles Yu, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach

Trevor Cochell (Waco, Texas)

James K. Bruckner, Exodus, New International Biblical Commentary

Timothy Paul Westbrook ( Institute for Church & Family at Harding University)

Marvin A. Sweeney, I and II Kings. Old Testament Library Commentary

Craig Bowman (Rochester College)

Peter Leithart, 1 & 2 Kings, Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible

Jesse Long (Lubbock Christian University)

Stephen M. Hooks, Job, The College Press NIV Commentary

J. Blair Wilgus (University of Edinburgh)

Tremper Longman, III & Peter Enns, eds., Dictionary of the Old Testament Wisdom, Poetry & Writings

Paul J. Kissling (TCMI Institute)

Leo G. Perdue. Wisdom Literature: A Theological History

Walt Zorn (Lincoln Christian College & Seminary)

Christopher R. Seitz, Prophecy and Hermeneutics: Toward a New Introduction to the Prophets

J. Blair Wilgus (University of Edinburgh)

Christopher R. Seitz, Prophecy and Hermeneutics: Toward a New Introduction to the Prophets, Studies in Theological Interpretation

Robert L. Foster (Foundation for Community Empowerment)

Sidnie White Crawford, Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times. Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature

Rafael Rodriguez (Johnson Bible College)

Abraham Wasserstein and Davd J. Wasserstein. The Legend of the Septuagint: From Classical Antiquity to Today

Lee M. Fields (Roanoke Christian Collge)

Richard J. Goodrich and Albert L. Lukaszewski, eds. A Reader's Greek New Testament. 2nd ed. and Barclay M. Newman, ed. The UBS Greek New Testament. A Reader's Edition

Russ Dudrey (Hastings Church of Christ)

William Loader, The New Testament with Imagination: A Fresh Approach to Its Writings and Themes

Heather Gorman (Abilene Christian University)

Serge Ruzer. Mapping the New Testament: Early Christian Writings as a Witness for Jewish Biblical Exegesis. Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series

Rafael Rodriguez (Johnson Bible College)

T. Scott Womble, Beyond Reasonable Doubt: 95 Theses Which Dispute the Church's Conviction Against Women

David Lertis Matson (Hope International University)

Kenneth D. Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr. Sense and Nonsense About Heaven & Hell

Paul Axton (Central Christian College of the Bible)

Timothy Paul Jones, Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus

Chris Keith (Lincoln Christian College)

Brad H. Young, Meet the Rabbis: Rabbinic Thought and the Teachings of Jesus

David Fiensy (Kentucky Christian University)

Paul Barnett, Paul: Missionary of Jesus

Terry Bowland (Ozark Christian College)

Michael J. Gorman, Reading Paul

Carl Sweatman (University of Gloucestershire)

Quotables for this issue were chosen by Ethelene Bruce White, Graduate Student Harding University Graduate School of Religion

"In a tradition that owes much of its idiosyncratic character to the rational hermeneutic method adopted from the philosophies of Locke and Bacon, the proposition that religious faith is rational, and as such, may dialogue with and benefit from the academic disciplines, including the sciences, ought not to be controversial."

Jennifer J. Thweatt-Bates, "How to Talk about Religion and Science . . . Rationally" (SCJ 12.1:37-38)

"Indeed, the task of biblical interpretation was especially significant for the newborn SCM movement because it advocated sola scriptura without secondary doctrinal standards."

James O. Duke, "The Hermeneutics of the Early Stone-Campbell Movement" (SCJ 12.1:4)

"While opposing the notion of a direct or immediate, efficient causal illumination of the Holy Spirit, [Robert] Richardson was concerned throughout his career with investigating—and highlighting—manifold indirect influences of the Spirit operative in and through Scripture (as God's written Word) and other of God's means of grace."

James O. Duke, "The Hermeneutics of the Early Stone-Campbell Movement" (SCJ 12.1:9)

"First, one does not walk in Campbell's shoes by adopting the same methods and frameworks he adopted in his engagement of the church and world; one does so by asking in our day the same kinds of questions he asked in his. So rather than ask how Scottish Baconianism may be adapted to unite God's people, we might ask how postmodern through, for example, may serve church unity."

John C. Nugent, "Was Alexander Campbell Enslaved to Scottish Baconianism?" (SCJ 12.1:22)

"Noncreedal Campbellites may also find relevance in Campbell's insistence that when it comes to membership, discipleship, and church unity, we must promote liberty of opinion with reference to speculative ideas arrived at by climbing the ladder of abstraction beyond the words of Scripture."

John C. Nugent, "Was Alexander Campbell Enslaved to Scottish Baconianism?" (SCJ 12.1:29)

"As specific reasoning strategies, theology and science both participate in the universal quest for intelligibility but neither reasoning strategy is autonomous or self-sufficient."

Jennifer J. Thweatt-Bates, "How to Talk about Religion and Science . . . Rationally" (SCJ 12.1:35)

"In order to facilitate spiritual formation through our preaching, we must let the Spirit form us and our preaching."

Bruce E. Shields, "Preaching and the Vocabulary of the Spirit" (SCJ 12.1:44)

"Our spiritual growth depends to a great extent on a spiritual vocabulary—a way of talking about God and the divine in our lives. Preaching can give us that and can even encourage the use of such words in the church and beyond."

Bruce E. Shields, "Preaching and the Vocabulary of the Spirit" (SCJ 12.1:46)

"God's patient endurance serves God's desire to make known all his glorious attributes and not merely wrath and power."

Joseph Hoover, "The Wealth of God's Glory: A Response to John Piper's 'Four Problems in Romans 9:22-23'" (SCJ 12.1:52)

"So God's chief aim in his sovereignty is that those who resisted his will and fitted themselves for condemnation might see in Jesus the wealth of his glory (wrath, power, mercy), present themselves solely to God in worship, and thus prove by their new manner of life that submitting to God's will is good and all-satisfying."

Joseph Hoover, "The Wealth of God's Glory: A Response to John Piper's 'Four Problems in Romans 9:22-23'" (SCJ 12.1:58)

"The accuracy of our English Bibles is therefore at the heart of the matter. How can we make progress if our foundation is flawed, if we are indeed reading the wrong words?"

J. David Miller, "Translating Paul's Words about Women" (SCJ 12.1:62)

"Let us not be content with translations that are close to correct. Paying careful attention to the details of translated biblical texts is necessary groundwork."

J. David Miller, "Translating Paul's Words about Women" (SCJ 12.1:71)
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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager