Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 16 Issue 2

Garrison Keillor is widely regarded as the best storyteller of this generation. With that very distinctive voice, he still maintains his weekly Prairie Home Companion radio show on PBS (debut, July 6, 1974), anchored in Minnesota but now traveling to venues across the country. Stories recur of private eye Guy Noir, cowboys Dusty and Lefty, and of course of Lake Wobegon, "where all the children are above average." Colorful characters and engaging tales set to a moral compass livened with humor flood the imagination of listeners who tune in. However, Keillor thinks of himself primarily as a writer. In a documentary aired a few years ago at the time when the Prairie Home Companion movie was released, Garrison ponders the value of writing, musing, "Writing is an act of discovery… You don't know what you think until you write it down."

Scholars need to write. We may be able to publish our work with major publishers, journals, and magazines or maybe in less prestigious ones. Maybe, as in the current marketplace, we self-publish, or maintain a blog. Maybe we only write and read papers at academic conferences. In any case, the great value of writing is for ourselves. It is a matter of personal development. Writing furthers our thinking; it brings thoughts to conclusions. The discipline forces us to make sense of it all, yes, to an expected, perceived audience, but mostly to ourselves. Having written it down enables us to close the chapter on that particular matter and move on to others. Writing fulfills a moral contract with ourselves for the years of sacrifice we put into earning that Ph.D. and our ongoing research.

One of the purposes of SCJ (and SCJ Conference) is to function like a carrot to motivate scholars, both young and seasoned, to write. Scholars who identify with the Stone-Campbell Movement and teach in related educational institutions publish in many venues and in many other journals. This is growing as more and more write and publish. However, SCJ continues to be one of the venues for scholars to publish their work. We are honored for many to be their first venue for publication in their career. Articles are peer-reviewed and our editors work hard with first-time authors to help them get their articles ready to publish. Check out our index of over 200 articles SCJ has published in the course of now our 16th volume (32nd issue). It is a fascinating list of people and some great articles. If you are in the Stone-Campbell Scholars Community—which, as a subscriber you should be by now—these articles are available to you in our archives which is part of your membership. You can use the index or just download and print the list (chronological or author priority). If you are not a member, just go to our website and click "JOIN NOW" in the upper righthand corner.

Please contact me about that article you are working on that perhaps you have hopes to publish. My file of "Articles Received" is ready to receive yours.

Speaking of articles, this issue sports some interesting articles in a variety of fields. Fresh from the 2013 SCJ Conference, John Goldingay offers a challenge to NT scholars (well, OT scholars too) to consider what the NT necessarily adds to the OT's message about attaining a genuine relationship with God, with its provocative title: "Do We Need the New Testament?" Loretta Hunnicutt, from her 2012 SCJ Conference lecture provides a look at fascinating women who were important to the progress of the Stone-Campbell Movement. James Gorman recounts the surprising challenges Alexander Campbell's Bible translation gave to the Baptists. In another article about Bible translation, John Poirier promotes the idea of using italics in Bible translation as a tool to help Bible readers recognize what is "literal" and what is not in key cases. Two articles consider the thoughts of theological giants in their respective periods. Joseph Gordon focuses on deification (the post-conversion transformation process) in Augustine, while Beth Langstaff focuses on anointing the sick according to John Calvin.

After an enjoyable conference at Lipscomb University in 2013, the 13th annual SCJ Conference remains in Tennessee for 2014, hosted by Johnson University, Knoxville, on March 14-15.

The theme is: God in Culture: Music, Movies, and Contemporary Life. Jeremy Begbie (Duke University; University of St. Andrews) will present two sessions that will include lecture and piano performance on "Theology, Music, and Resurrection." Craig Detweiler (PepperdineUniversity) will present one session on "Theology in Movies" and another on "Theology in Gaming." Phil Kenneson (Milligan College) will present one session: "Theology at Work."

Related papers or papers on other biblical, theological, or historical topics are sought for parallel sessions from experienced scholars as well as from student scholars. Send your paper title (no abstract needed) to Stewart Penwell, parallel paper coordinator, at by December 1, 2013.

Ten study groups welcome inquiries: Christian Education (jestep@lincoln; Biblical Teaching on Women (; Ecclesiology and Social Ethics (; Old Testament Prophetic Tradition and Application (; Mark's Gospel in Mediterranean Context (michael.; Reexamining Scholarship in the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement (; History and Practice of Christian Worship (; Patristics (; Distance Learning (; Jewish Scripture as Christian Scripture ( Inquiries regarding study groups may be directed to the dean of the study groups: Jeff Miller (

Student paper competitions will occur in three categories: Junior/Senior; M.A./M.Div., and Restoration (Isaac Errett Award from the Disciples Historical Society). Contact Les Hardin ( immediately to indicate your interest and to obtain the competition rules (also available on the SCJ website). For the Errett competition, contact Rick Cherok (

I am really looking forward to this conference. Hope you will plan now to join us.

William R. Baker, Editor

Pepperdine University


Women’s experiences in the Stone-Campbell Movement await discovery in much of the history writing within the movement. From my participation in the Stone-Campbell Movement: A Global History project, three issues stand out. First, the experiences of women remain relevant to the movement and help illuminate what the movement values and believes. Second, women have had a global impact within and outside of the movement. Third, several challenges remain for women involved in the movement and recruiting more young women with a talent in history would address many of them.

Johnson University


Alexander Campbell considered his work on his new translation, The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ (1826) to be "the most valuable service we have rendered this generation." Relying on periodicals, minutes, and other germane sources, this paper narrates Baptist responses to Campbell's translation and Campbell's retorts. Responses often focused on the translation's content and features, but this article argues that the turbulent Campbell-Baptist context played as decisive a role in directing Baptist reception as the content of the translation.

Marquette University


Though Augustine of Hippo has always held a special place in Protestant thought, this essay draws attention to one often neglected aspect of his theology: his participatory soteriology of deification. Augustine holds that God transforms Christians into gods through our adoption. After situating Augustine's understanding of deification in his broader theological thought world, this essay examines his use of the theme in sermons. Augustine's homiletic employment of deification provides a touchstone for reflection on post-conversion soteriology and ethical exhortation.

Kingswell Theological Seminary


The King James Version's convention of italicizing added words makes a lot of sense, but recent translation committees apparently have thought otherwise. Not italicizing added words leaves the reader helpless to know when the meaning of a verse has been fundamentally changed, especially in instances when the translators failed to understand the verse correctly. This article seeks to show this problem is more pervasive than the Nida-Louw "functional-equivalence" approach seems to realize.

Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums


Calvin's views concerning the anointing of the sick for healing serve as one of the clearest and most consistent cases of apostolic discontinuity in his theology and praxis. A detailed exploration of these views provides insight into Calvin's ecclesiological understanding with regard to the classification and purpose of temporary sacraments and gifts, the evidence for their withdrawal, the dispensational shift between apostolic and post-apostolic periods, and the continuity of the divine presence.

Fuller Theological Seminary


We do need the New Testament, but we need the Old Testament for an understanding of the story of God's working out his purpose, for its theology, for its spirituality, for its hope, for its understanding of mission, for its understanding of salvation, and for its ethics.

Download book reviews for this issue.


Tim Dowley, Christian Music: A Global History (Corey Auen, Wintergreen Christian Church)

James L. Papandrea, Reading the Early Church Fathers: From the Didache to Nicaea (James Walters, Princeton Theological Seminary)

Christopher Ben Simpson, The Truth Is the Way: Kierkegaard's Theologia Viatorum (Keith D. Stanglin, Austin Graduate School of Theology)

Daniel R. Driver, Brevard Childs, Biblical Theologian: For the Church's One Bible. Rev. ed. (J. David Stark, Faulkner University)

Gregg R. Allison, Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine, Foreword by Wayne Grudem (Robert F. Rea, Lincoln Christian Seminary)

Jason Bembry, Yahweh's Coming of Age(Tad C. Blackater, Asbury Theological Seminary)

Ronald E. Heine, Classical Christian Doctrine: Introducing the Essentials of the Ancient Faith(Lee Blackburn, Milligan College)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Ecumenical, Academic, and Pastoral Work: 1931–1932 (Joseph M. Kauslick, Abilene Christian University)

Stanley Hauerwas, War and the American Difference: Theological Reflections on Violence and National Identity (James R. Mitchell, Freed-Hardeman University)

Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld, Killing Enmity: Violence and the New Testament(David Lertis Matson, Hope International University)

Mae Elise Cannon, Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action (Chauncey A. Lattimer, Jr., Marinton and Darrow Churches of Christ)

R. Keith Loftin, ed., God & Morality: Four Views(Joel Stephen Williams, Amridge University)

John C. Holbert and Alyce M. McKenzie, What Not to Say: Avoiding the Common Mistakes That Can Sink Your Sermon (David Duncan, Memorial Church of Christ)

Gregory L. Hunt, Leading Congregations through Crisis. Columbia Partnership Leadership Series (Rob O'Lynn, Kentucky Christian University)

Robert C. Dykstra, Allan Hugh Cole Jr., and Donald Capps, The Faith and Friendship of Teenage Boys (Alvin Kuest, Great Lakes Christian College)

Timothy Keller, Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City(Joseph C. Grana, II, Hope International University)

William V. Frame, The American College Presidency as Vocation: Easing the Burden, Enhancing the Joy(John Derby, Hope International University)

Gary T. Cage, The Woodsman (David L. Phillips, Melber Church of Christ)

Stanley Hauerwas, Working with Words: On Learning to Speak Christian(David Paddick, Jr., Southern Heights Church of Christ)

James K. Hoffmeier and Dennis R. Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Post- modern Approaches to Scripture(Joe M. Sprinkle, Crossroads College)

Russell Pregeant, Reading the Bible for All the Wrong Reasons(Nathan Shedd, Asbury Theological Seminary)

Daniel M. Bell, Jr., The Economy of Desire: Christianity and Capitalism in a Postmodern World (Ryan T. Hemmer, Marquette University)

Philip W. Eaton, Engaging the Culture, Changing the World: The Christian University in a Post-Christian World (Brian D. Smith, Johnson University, Florida)

Walter Brueggemann and Carolyn J. Sharp, Living Countertestimony: Conversations with Walter Brueggemann (Michael Hanegan, A People's History of Churches of Christ)

Andreas Schuele, An Introduction to Biblical Aramaic(Paavo Tucker, Asbury Theological Seminary)

Richard S. Briggs and Joel N. Lohr, eds., ATheological Introduction to the Pentateuch: Interpreting the Torah as Christian Scripture(J. Blair Wilgus, Hope International University)

Daniel L. Block, Deuteronomy. The NIV Application Commentary (Gary H. Hall, Lincoln Christian Seminary)

Glenn Pemberton, Hurting with God: Learning to Lament with the Psalms(Les Hardin, Florida Christian College)

J. Daniel Hays, The Message of the Prophets: A Survey of the Prophetic and Apocalyptic Books of the Old Testament (Mark Allen Hahlen, Dallas Christian College)

Daniel C. Timmer, AGracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation, and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah.New Studies in Biblical Theology (Craig D. Bowman, Rochester College)

John J. Collins, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography.Lives of Great Religious Volumes (John C. Poirier, Kingswell Theological Seminary)

Tim Grass, F.F. Bruce: A Life (Walter D. Zorn, Lincoln Christian University)

Gerd Theissen, The New Testament: A Literary History(Ronald D. Peters, Great Lakes Christian College)

Murray J. Harris, Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament: An Essential Reference Resource for Exegesis(James E. Sedlacek, Cincinnati Christian Schools)

Craig S. Keener, Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts (Barry L. Blackburn, Sr., Point University)

Craig A. Evans, The World of Jesus and the Early Church: Identity and Interpretation in Early Communities of Faith(Jared R. Wortman, Duke Divinity School)

Adriana Destro and Mauro Pesce, Encounters with Jesus: The Man in His Place and Time(Nathan Shedd, Asbury Theological Seminary)

Chris Keith and Larry W. Hurtado, eds., Jesus among Friends and Enemies: A Historical and Literary Introduction to Jesus in the Gospels (Kevin W. Larsen, Mid-Atlantic Christian University)

Stephen E. Young, Jesus Tradition in the Apostolic Fathers: Their Explicit Appeals to the Words of Jesus in Light of Orality Studies. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (Rafael Rodriguez, Johnson University)

Margaret Mitchell, Paul, the Corinthians and the Birth of Christian Hermeneutics(Judith Odor, Asbury Theological Seminary)

Jonathan D. H. Norton, Contours in the Text: Textual Variation in the Writings of Paul, Josephus and the Yahad. Library of New Testament Studies (Tyler A. Stewart, Marquette University)

Pheme Perkins, First Corinthians.Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament (Rollin Ramsaran, Emmanuel Christian Seminary)

D. Stephen Long, Hebrews. Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Daryl Doctorman, Cincinnati Christian University)

SCJ 16.2 Quotables

Chosen by Joel Brown

Brite Divinity School

Featured Quote:

"In a sense, God did nothing new in Jesus."

He was simply taking to its logical and ultimate extreme the activity in which he had been involved throughout the OT story. All the way through, God had been letting humanity do its worst. Specifically, he had been letting the people he adopted do their worst and had been declining to be overcome by their rejection of him; declining to abandon or destroy them. God had been paying the price for his people's attitude toward him. He had been sacrificing himself for them. He had been bearing their sin."

John Goldingay, "Do We Need the New Testament?" (SCJ 16.2:236)

"So many stories remain to be told. My hope is that other women will be inspired by this work to take up the task of scripting the history of the movement not only to represent women but to demonstrate that all voices contribute important insight to our understanding of the important issues that shape our history."

Loretta Hunnicutt, "What I Learned about Women" (SCJ 16.2:176)

"As Campbell's theology became clearly un-Baptist, many Baptists sensed the same unorthodox theology in his new version as they were reading in his periodical (Christian Baptist). To accept the translation was to accept 'Campbellism.' To condemn Campbell's theology meant also condemning his new version."

James L. Gorman, "From Burning to Blessing: Baptist Reception of Alexander Campbell's New Translation" (SCJ 16.2:190)

"For Augustine, deified individuals can no longer set their desires upon transitory things as ends in themselves. He calls his hearers to have the perspective that is appropriate to those being transformed by God's deifying grace; they should accordingly direct their desires towards eternal things."

Joseph Kenneth Gordon, "Deifying Adoption as Impetus for Moral Transformation: Augustine's Sermons and the Christological Ethics of 'Godhood'," (SCJ 16.2:205)

"One convention the KJV's translators used was to italicize any word that did not represent something in the original Hebrew or Greek text. . . . Unfortunately, this practice has considerably waned. As a result, the reader of today's translations usually has no way of knowing whether a given word represents a word or element in the original text or has been added as an interpretative aid."

John C. Poirier, "The Case for Italics in Bible Translation," (SCJ 16.2:209)

"If Calvin and his fellow reformers were preaching a new gospel, then their opponents would be justified in calling for new wonders to confirm it. Since they are preaching the original gospel, already fully confirmed by the miracles of Christ and his apostles, no new miracles are needed. This principle does not rule out the possibility of miracles such as healing in the post-apostolic period, but it does render them unnecessary."

Beth Langstaff, "A Case of Apostolic Discontinuity: John Calvin on the Anointing of the Sick for Healing" (SCJ 16.2:222)

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager