Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 24 Issue 1

Editor's Preface

I am very pleased that the Stone-Campbell Journal editor and board have chosen to engage efforts to increase racial diversity.1 The year 2020 has awakened many white Christians and institutions to our troubling racial histories that have often excluded people with darker skin tones or from different cultural backgrounds. Like all Christians who value love, justice, and unity, Stone-Campbell institutions have work to do in the areas of telling full and honest stories about our past, repenting of past and current actions that have caused moral injury (whether consciously and purposefully or unconsciously and accidentally), and working for moral repair and shalom in all our relationships and institutions. An important step on this long journey is to create spaces where people from diverse cultural backgrounds can flourish through equity on all levels, including cultural formation, influence, power, and representation. Several hundred years of racialization led directly to our current racialized society and institutions. If we did the work of racializing, we can also do the work of repairing, diversifying, and uniting. But it will be a long and difficult road for us all, requiring decades—perhaps centuries—of thoughtful actions driven by humble, prayerful, inquisitive postures.

When we experience moments of heightened collective awareness about injustices in our society, as we have poignantly felt in the United States since the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012 ignited a new era of civil rights activism, our scholarly endeavors are one of the tools we can use to explore the challenges we face and the future we desire. We have a tremendous opportunity before us as scholars. We have people with analytical gifts and resources at their disposal to tackle important questions whose answers can lead us into understanding our own time, awareness of ourselves and others, empathy with those different from us. Some of the scholarship we choose to do over the next decade could help the SCJ, could help the various schools connected to the journal, could help Stone-Campbell churches come to grips with biblical, historical, theological, sociological, cultural, pastoral, and educational realities that have informed and should inform our public life together. It is my hope that many of us will use our skills to make the most of our unique opportunity at this moment in time.

In that vein, this issue sheds light on the ways race relations in American history influenced the unity and division experienced among American Christians by engaging a recent book published to honor historian Douglas Foster's academic and ecclesial work. Three scholars review Slavery's Long Shadow: Race and Reconciliation in American Christianity (Eerdmans 2019) and I, as a co-editor of the book, respond to those reviews. Readers will learn not only about the complex racial histories of American and Stone-Campbell Christians, but also about the challenges historians face as we tell these stories.

I encourage readers to take a look at the other articles in this issue. Richard Cherok's article comes from his plenary presentation at this year's SCJ Conference, and it provides an interesting look at Alexander Campbell's thoughts about Christians and politics. Kippy Myers uncovers the tangled history of the old depiction of David Lipscomb as an old woman with a broom named Mrs. Partington. In his article Ryan Eidson explains Alexander Campbell's understanding that Christian college education should not just school a person on one field but should educate the whole person. Joe Hoover implements a common Bible translation methodology to offer a way to remove the apparent contradiction between Jesus' words in Matt 5:17 and Eph 2:15. Finally, Monte French's article explores the gift language of Ephesians.

James L. Gorman Assistant Editor, Stone-Campbell Journal Professor of History, Johnson University Tennessee

Ozark Christian College


Alexander Campbell was a patriotic, naturalized U.S. citizen who encouraged exercising the right to vote to bring social change and promote Christian values. At the same time, he argued against any attempt to legislate Christian practice or establish a theocracy, insisting Christianity cannot be imposed on those who have not subjected themselves to Christ. This essay explores Campbell’s philosophy of government and demonstrates his overarching concern was the freedom of and from religion as he awaited the reign of King Jesus.

Central Christian College of the Bible


The current pragmatic focus in education has led to an overemphasis on career preparation. Yet historically, the purpose of education was much broader than that. Alexander Campbell founded Bethany College partly to demonstrate his distinctive method for higher education, which was rooted in his ideals of biblical training for forming the whole person. Institutions of Christian higher education should heed Campbell’s example of formative education because God will be glorified by, and the church and the world need, people of mature character.

Freed Hardeman University


Christian Standard editors Isaac and Russell Errett maintained a literary feud with Gospel Advocate editor David Lipscomb. In the late 1890s, while mission society leaders sought to establish a Tennessee branch, Lipscomb regularly criticized the society movement. Russell Errett, in turn, caricatured Lipscomb as an old woman attempting to sweep back ocean waves with a broom, a caricature widely known among Churches of Christ today. Their feud serves as a microhistory illuminating the complex factors that divided the Stone-Campbell Movement into two divergent groups by the end of the nineteenth century.

William Carey International University


Most English Bible versions render the Greek of Eph 2:15 in a way that seems to contradict Jesus’ words in Matt 5:17 concerning whether by him the law is abolished or fulfilled. This essay examines Eph 2:15a using the idealized cognitive model (ICM). The model provides rigor in determining the meaning of such words as katargevw and novmo" according to context. The linguistic insights gained through this analysis suggest a novel translation that promises to reconcile the apparent inconsistencies.

Marion Road Christian Church


The common understanding of grace as God’s unmerited gift in NT writings seems simplistic in the light of John M. G. Barclay’s groundbreaking study of the multifaceted gift language in two of Paul’s letters. Drawing on Barclay’s categories to analyze gift language in Ephesians, this paper demonstrates that grace is given regardless of the recipient’s worthiness, but with the expectation of a proper response. This suggests reevaluating strict distinctions between God’s sovereignty and humanity’s responsibility, allowing for God’s primary act in Christ and human works.



Gorman, James L., Jeff W. Childers, and Mark W. Hamilton, eds. Slavery’s Long Shadow: Race and Reconciliation in American Christianity. Grand Rapids: Eerd mans, 2019.

Three Black scholars were invited to review this landmark book. Each was asked to focus on their reactions to one of the three sections of the volume as well as on the whole.

James L. Gorman, one of the editors, has written a short response.

Download book reviews for this issue.

Jim Cook, The Myth of the Stone-Campbell Movement
(John Young, Amridge University)

Andrew Fear and Jamie Wood, eds., A Companion to Isidore of Seville
(Shawn C. Smith, Lincoln Christian University)

Arlin C. Migliazzo, Mother of Modern Evangelicalism: The Life and Legacy of Henrietta Mears
(Loretta Hunnicutt, Pepperdine University)

Steven J. Duby, God in Himself: Scripture, Metaphysics, and the Task of Christian Theology
(William Curtis Holtzen, Hope International University)

Oliver D. Crisp, Analyzing Doctrine: Toward a Systematic Theology
(Brad East, Abilene Christian University)

Joseph K. Gordon, Divine Scripture in Human Understanding: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible
(John Mark Hicks, Lipscomb University)

William Curtis Holtzen, The God Who Trusts: A Relational Theology of Divine Faith, Hope, and Love
(Keith D. Stanglin, Austin Graduate School of Theology)

Barry Harvey, Baptists and the Catholic Tradition: Reimagining the Church’s Witness in the Modern World
(Alden Bass, Oklahoma Christian University)

Yvonne Sherwood and Anna Fisk, eds., The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field
(Amy Smith Carman, Brite Divinity School)

Walter Brueggemann and Clover Rueter Beal, An On-going Imagination: A Conversation about Scripture, Faith, and the Thickness of Relationship
(Gary S. Selby, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University)

Mary T. Lederleitner, Women in God’s Mission: Accepting the Invitation to Serve and Lead
(Bob Milliken, Nebraska Christian College)

Jürgen Moltmann, The Spirit of Hope: Theology for a World in Peril
(Andrew W. Sutherland, Baylor University)

Andrew Root, The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God
(Gary S. Selby, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University)

Michael Pasquarello, III, The Beauty of Preaching: God’s Glory in Christian Proclamation
(Rob O’Lynn, Kentucky Christian University)

David S. Dockery and Christopher W. Morgan, Christian Higher Education: Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition
(John Derry, Dallas Christian College)

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Christian Theology in the Pluralistic World
(Brian D. Smith, Dallas Christian College)

Joshua D. Chatraw and Karen Swallow Prior, Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues
(Laura McKillip Wood, Omaha, Nebraska)

Melissa Rogers, Faith in American Public Life
(Jess O. Hale, Jr., Hendersonville, Tennessee)

Willie James Jennings, After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging
(Rob O’Lynn, Kentucky Christian University)

Christopher J. H. Wright, The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic
(Christopher Heard, Pepperdine University)

Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton, eds., Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts
(Ryan J. Cook, Moody Theological Seminary)

H. H. Hardy, II, Exegetical Gems from Biblical Hebrew: A Refreshing Guide to Grammar and Interpretation
(Christopher Heard, Pepperdine University)

Ben Witherington, III, Isaiah Old and New: Exegesis, Intertextuality, and Hermeneutics
(Douglas A. Phillips, St. Louis Christian College)

Bruce K. Waltke and James M. Houston, The Psalms as Christian Praise: A Historical Commentary
(Ken E. Read, Cincinnati, Ohio)

Brian Neil Peterson, Qoheleth’s Hope: The Message of Ecclesiastes in a Broken World
(Dave Bland, Harding School of Theology)

William L. Kelly, How Prophecy Works: A Study of the Semantic Field of aybn and a Close Reading of Jeremiah 1:4-19, 23:9-40, and 27:1–28:17
(John C. Poirier, Germantown, Ohio)

Bruce W. Longenecker, In Stone and Story: Early Christianity in the Roman World
(Judith Odor, Mason, Ohio)

Bruce W. Longenecker, In Stone and Story: Early Christianity in the Roman World
(Thomas Scott Caulley, Kentucky Christian University)

Raymond F. Collins, Wealth, Wages, and the Wealthy: New Testament Insight for Preachers and Teachers
(Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University)

Heinrich von Siebenthal, Ancient Greek Grammar for the Study of the New Testament
(David H. Warren, NW Florida School of Biblical Studies)

Daniel King, ed., The Article in Post-Classical Greek
(David H. Warren, NW Florida School of Biblical Studies)

David Alan Black and Benjamin L. Merkle, eds., Linguistics and New Testament Greek: Key Issues in the Current Debate
(James E. Sedlacek, Nazarene Theological College, University of Manchester)

Rafael Rodriguez, Jesus Darkly: Remembering Jesus with the New Testament
(Kenneth L. Cukrowski, Abilene Christian University)

Gregory A. Boyd, Cross Vision: How the Crucifixion of Jesus Makes Sense of Old Testament Violence
(John C. Nugent, Great Lakes Christian College)

Helen K. Bond, The First Biography of Jesus: Genre and Meaning in Mark’s Gospel
(Barry Blackburn, Point University)

Nijay K. Gupta. Paul and the Language of Faith
(Dennis R. Lindsay, Bushnell University)

Grant Macaskill, Living in Union with Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity
(Justin Gill, Northern Seminary)

Chris S. Stevens, History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories: A Textual Analysis of Manuscripts from the Second to the Fifth Century
(James E. Sedlacek, Nazarene Theological College, University of Manchester)

Craig S. Keener, Galatians: A Commentary
(Dennis R. Lindsay, Bushnell University)

Christopher R. Hutson, First and Second Timothy and Titus
(Thomas Scott Caulley, Kentucky Christian University)

Tony Burke, ed., New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures
(David H. Warren, NW Florida School of Biblical Studies)

Chosen by Stephen Garrett
Cumberland University, Lebanon, TN
SCJ 24.1 Quotables
View Quotables from Other Issues Here

Featured Quote:

"In another essay, Campbell noted that "the best government of this world, (our own,) may be in the hands of a Turk, a Jew, or an Atheist, for aught our Constitution cares."

Richard J. Cherok, "Citizen Campbell: Alexander Campbell and Early American Politics" (SCJ 24.1:7)

"Campbell never naively suggested Christians would rectify all social ills using the ballot, but he preferred the vote to most other activities to bring social change."

Richard J. Cherok, "Citizen Campbell: Alexander Campbell and Early American Politics" (SCJ 24.1:11)

"Unlike other institutions of his time, Campbell's curriculum focused more on the needs of the present and less on the classics."

Ryan Eidson, "More Than Vocational Preparation: Alexander Campbell's Method of Higher Education for Character Formation" (SCJ 24.1:18)

"Campbell did not focus Bethany College on the training of a new class of clergy. His aim was higher and wider than the utilitarian practice of filling pulpits."

Ryan Eidson, "More Than Vocational Preparation: Alexander Campbell's Method of Higher Education for Character Formation" (SCJ 24.1:22)

"As reports were passed from generation to generation, the idea took hold that the caricature was not a written piece, but a cartoon drawing."

Kippy Myers, "The Story of Russell Errett's "Mrs. Partington" Caricature of David Lipscomb" (SCJ 24.1:25)

"Some even claimed to have seen it, although no one has been able to either produce a copy or reference its location."

Kippy Myers, "The Story of Russell Errett's "Mrs. Partington" Caricature of David Lipscomb" (SCJ 24.1:32)

"According to the present translations, the author of Ephesians did not merely "present the logic of his master's position in an unqualified fashion," he contradicted it outright."

Joseph Hoover, "The Reconciliation of Jesus and Paul: A New Translation of Eph 2:15a" (SCJ 24.1:36)

"A complexity of senses for a given lexical item is a normal occurrence in language."

Joseph Hoover, "The Reconciliation of Jesus and Paul: A New Translation of Eph 2:15a" (SCJ 24.1:49)

"Therefore, to say grace has no expectation of response is a notion more at home today than in the first century."

Monte French, "Gift Language in Ephesians" (SCJ 24.1:53)

"Grace is unconditioned, given regardless of the worth of the recipient but is not unconditional, given without any expectation of a response. This expectation is not attached for self-interest or manipulation, but so that the community can be built up."

Monte French, "Gift Language in Ephesians" (SCJ 24.1:63)

"It is a book well worth reading even as—and perhaps because—it sets in relief what it tragically overlooks, that is, the creative and concrete experience of the "racialized other.""

Raymond Carr, Kenneth Gilmore Sr., LaTanya Tyson, "Review Article: Slavery's Long Shadow" (SCJ 24.1:66)

"The book tries to grapple and come to terms with the fact that Jesus Christ transcends all racial barriers, and yet the church on Sunday morning is still the most segregated hour in America when Christians gather to worship."

Raymond Carr, Kenneth Gilmore Sr., LaTanya Tyson, "Review Article: Slavery's Long Shadow" (SCJ 24.1:70)

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager